And really, it isn't quite finished. Those black "bee" hooks on the wall will soon be gone.
Just as soon as we find the perfect mirror to go above the sideboard. And the chandelier is going to be replaced with something, oh I don't know....pleasing to the eye! (i.e. we don't like this one. It is ugly.) And we will be painting the walls. But for now, I'm pretty content.
Anyway, this is the dining room set we fell in love with. This is the table without the leaf..that is why the two chairs are in the corners. Can you see the inlay detail? No?
How's this?
I think this is what sold me on the set: The chairs are upholstered in this yummy fabric, yet the outside backs of the chairs have the matching wood inlay from the table. Because sometimes, kitties (not mine, of course) like to stretchhhhhh and then their claws get stuck in the upholstery on the back of the chair. This is also commonly known as "the sharpening of the claws." Problem averted. Because one never likes their new dining room chairs to be used as a scratching post.
Then we have the sideboard. Buffet. Whatever you choose to call it.
I call it "luvah."
So does Abby. She likes that all her china fits inside and she still hasn't put a thing in the drawers yet.
It would appear I've embarrassed the Boy by making him sit and model at the table.
Then again, I'm not the one with a fern growing out of my head, am I? Sorry, Brian knows I totally planned that shot. By the way, that is my "Butler's Pantry" through that doorway. Since I don't have a butler, I like to call it the "Bar." Anybody thirsty?
I am funny about artwork. I like family photos. Other than that, there isn't much out there that I want to look at every day. Except for one artist. We love Albert Bierstadt. We have one of his prints of the Sierra's in our bedroom and we thought something similar would look good in the dining room. And we would never get bored with it because it would remind us of our favorite area to camp.
We came across this in the same store we found the dining room set in. It is a print of Bridal Veil Falls in Yosemite. I guess you can take the Liebels out of the Sierra's...but you can't take the Sierra's out of the Liebels!
Hold on just a minute...just what is this???
This is certainly not acceptable. No. Never. Ever.
What was it they say about curiosity and the cat?
She's very cute. Very naughty, but cute.
So, this concludes our tour. I hope you enjoyed it. Josie Grandma and Grampa, you may now return to your nice, warm pool in your nice, warm climate.
I've made up a schematic. Trust me, this was nothing. I believe we counted at least 20 Josie friends in the pool a little later on...and they ALL HAD NOODLES!
It's not like I'm jealous or anything. =)
Beautiful-beautiful dining room furniture. Good choice.
Especially like pictures of Molly on the table, can't imagine a kitty ever jumping up on a table or counter! Our Josie never did that!!!
Our wonderful swimming pool, could not attend the Noodle group yesterday, too cool. Temps never reach the 80's -- had to stay home and wear warm clothes.
i REALLY really REALLY like the dining room! it is beautiful! i also like the animals and brian with the fern head. my favorite is the sideboard. i would DEFINITELY refer to it as luvah!
Just another note, thank you Danny for the Vodka and tonic drinks that you made and delivered to the pool.
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