Monday, December 27, 2010

The Christmas Card Photo Shoot

After some gentle prodding from the Blog Nazi's out there, (HI JARED! HI HAYLEY!) I decided to make good (only one day late!) on my promise and update my neglected little blog!

Insert applause here.

Okay then. What shall I write about? There is no shortage of things I could fill you all in on. We had a season of Volleyball with Hayley that was pretty darn good. But that is a long post with lots of photos that aren't yet edited. Besides, due to unforeseen circumstances (and a blog post all its own!) the Volleyball awards ceremony had to be postponed until further notice and that probably needs to be included in the Great Volleyball Post of 2010 2011.

We're right in the thick of Bowling season for Brian. But thats going pretty darn well (can you say 175 average?!) and I don't want to jinx we'll wait on that, too.

I went back to work pretty much full-time (hence the serious lack of Blog posts) but due to those pesky HIPAA laws, I can't really say much other than I absolutely love my job and all the co-workers and patients I get to see every day. Oh, and if you're in need of some killer Physical Therapy, might I suggest NorthSound Physical Therapy? You'll be glad you did!  =)

Dan is still busy as ever representing ADC Engineering up here in Washington.    He just returned from a week-long business trip down to SoCal in mid-December so that's always fun for him because he gets to visit with family and friends while he's down there.

We just celebrated our 4th Christmas up here in the Pacific Northwest.  And our first non-White Christmas!  What's up with that???  It's actually just a little late...we're due for a nice snowfall in two days.  Yay!  Even though the kids are 16 and 18, they turn into playful little kids out in the backyard on their little snowdiscs when it snows. 

So, since I can't send a Christmas card to every single person we've ever met, I like to take a photo of the card and post it here or on Facebook as our Christmas greeting.  This year, we decided to feature the kiddies holding the kitties on the card.  I hope you've enjoyed the series of shots that I took...just trying to get a decent shot of the Christmas card.  It's like Molly wasn't happy starring on the card...she had to make sure she was front and center for the photos! 

We hope you all had a very Merry Meowy Christmas and may you all be Blessed with a wonderful 2011.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Shiny Happy People

I had every intention of updating my little blog quite often.  Really, I did.  Then my old dinosaur of a computer started rebelling.  As in, it wouldn't let me sign in to update my own dang blog.  Or leave comments on other blogs.  Blogspot took a hit out on me and I couldn't do anything but hide out...until my new baby arrived.  New baby?  Huh?  Well, Pete the FedEx man delivered an anniversary present from my sweetie last week in the form of a shiny new laptop!

Not bad for 21 years of wedded bliss, huh?  We laugh because for the last four anniversaries, we've celebrated by sitting in the bleachers of various high school gymnasiums, eating popcorn and Tootsie-Pops, watching our first-born play volleyball.  This year went something like this:
Ferry ride to South Whidbey:  $21.60
Admission to Volleyball match:  $10.00
Dinner (Cup O' Noodles from snack bar):  $1.00
Sitting with my honey watching our kid play volleyball on our anniversary:  PRICELESS.

We've been busy in these parts with work and volleyball and bowling, so it took a day or two to unpack the 'puter and get her all set up and I'm still learning the in's and out's of working on a laptop, but's pretty cool.  I feel like such a grown-up now.  {{ If I could just figure out why my nice big text just got all small...what did I hit?  Gahhhh!! }}   Sorry, I need to turn off my internal dialogue...

Okay, so what's been going on?

So, today is my Daddy's birthday!  Happy Birthday Daddy!  Yes, I'm 46 and he's 78 and I still call him Daddy.  =)  I just got off the phone with Josie Grandma and Grampa after wishing him a Happy Birthday.  It's raining where they are (in hot, dry Arizona) and I had to chuckle because it's pretty darn gorgeous here in the stereotypically rainy Pacific Northwest.  Regardless of the weather, I am glad to report that all is well with the Josies.  =)

It's been a lovely day, starting off with coffee with my dear friend Diana.  Can I just say I love my Tuesday mornings with Diana?  Then it was off to the bowling alley for my weekly league.  I threw a 183, 126 (oops!) and a 201.  Good stuff!  Then I got a message from a friend telling me that Hayley made the Everett Herald today!  She was selected as their Prep Athlete of the Week for Volleyball!!  Cool beans!
 She's having an awesome season this year and having a blast doing it.

Last Thursday night, she broke the school record for Kills in a game.  She landed 22.  Sa-weet!
None of it is possible without a great team...and this is it.  The Dream Team.  It's a good year to be a Cougar.  Football, Girls Soccer and Volleyball  are all doing so much better than anyone ever expected (well, we did, but our opponents didn't!) and they're all quite the talk of the town!  Go Cougs!

By the way, that is Brian in the back row, right side in the team photo.  He is one of the team managers for the 2nd year in a row.  He and his bud Nick take stats, set up all the video equipment, run errands and basically do whatever the coaches or girls ask of them.  Good men!! 
Then there's this little bit of joy...
Our Girl has a Boy.  His name is Luke and Hayley's not the only one that likes him.  We think he's pretty neat, too.  He adores our girl, treats her well, they go to church together and he's there to cheer at all of her games.  And he seems to like Dano's cooking, so there's that!  =)
And so with that, I'm off to another Volleyball match.  We're only halfway through the season...thankfully!  This being Hayley's last season of volleyball ever, we're enjoying every minute and soaking it all up!  Thank God Brian has two years of high school bowling and baseball left!  What will I do when I have no more of their sporting events to attend??  Luckily I don't have to contemplate that reality yet!   Whew!  =)

Edited 10/05/10 10:15 pm:  Just got home from an awesome match vs. Cedarcrest.  Our Lady Cougs took 3 of 5 games for another notch in the Win column, elevating them to 6-2 this season!  Added bonus:  our Libero, Allie broke the school record for Digs tonight and Hayley tied the record she set last Thursday with 22 Kills!  And our Girls Soccer team won again so they're still undefeated at 8-0!!  I'll say it again...IT'S A GOOD YEAR TO BE A LAKEWOOD COUGAR!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

18 years ago...

8:00 am.  We had just arrived at the hospital to be induced.  Our first baby was 10 days overdue and frankly, I didn't think he or she was ever going to decide to make an appearance on his/her own.  The doctors concurred.  Thirteen hours and one blessed epidural later, Hayley was born.  Two became three.  Such a defining moment.

Flash forward eighteen years.  Can it really be that eighteen years have gone by and this sweet little baby...

has grown into this sweet young lady, ready to take on the world?

 I wish I had more baby pictures scanned in to post right now.  Alas, that was in the pre-digital era and they're in a box upstairs and I'm on a tight schedule here.  See, little Hayley plays volleyball.  Really well.  And we're headed to Yakima today to watch our girl play tomorrow in a tournament at the Sundome.  Go Lady Cougs!  (They played their first game of the season last night and basically taught Cedarcrest a lesson and it only took 3 games to do it!  Ten kills for my girl...woot!)

So, for now, my baby gets to finally sleep in today, we'll make her a yummy birthday breakfast, and then there will be a fun bus ride to Yakima for the team this afternoon and we'll all meet up for dinner at the Olive Garden.  My girl dies for their soup!  And no doubt there will be some napkin folding going on at the table too.  (Guaranteed photos of that coming!)

HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY HAYLEY!   We love you and couldn't be prouder!

Edited live from Yakima, Washington!
I told you there would be napkin folding at the Olive Garden!

Hayley taught her mad napkin-folding skillz to her fellow Lady Cougs!  That's Brian in the bottom left corner...pretending he doesn't see  the antics!  Well, either that or he's hungry and just wants to order his Seafood Alfredo already!

Then there was this little surprise that came with Hayley's dessert...eighteen gorgeous pink roses from her boyfriend Luke! 

Hey Luke?  Well played Sir...well played!

I'm off to bed.  I know the formatting is all off on this, but I'm tired and we have to get up uber early to watch some awesome volleyball!  LAKEWOOD COUGARS IN THE HOUSE!!  I can't wait!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A new beginning...sort of.

I'm back.

My apologies to those of you who checked in now and again to see if I'd had anything to say...and left with no news. And many thanks to those of you who asked if I was ever going to update my blog...I have a hard time believing that more than a few people read it, until one of the kids friends mentions it (and the lack of posts...Hi Jared!)  Plus, I got on Facebook and its so easy to just post a photo with a caption and carry on.    But for some reason, here I sit at my computer, and I want to write.  I could post a photo or two on Facebook, but I think some photos just need more than a one-line caption.  For instance, this photo:

Holy Cats!  Who is this 6' (at least) dude?  In front of his own car?  Smiling?  On the first day of his JUNIOR year of high school? You know where this is headed, right?

Just yesterday Brian was still letting me send apples for his teachers on the first day of school.  Ten years people.  TEN YEARS....poof!

In case you're wondering where the girl-child was on this fine September 1st morning, she was around.  But since she's on the college schedule, Hayley doesn't start school until the 20th.  So, instead of heading to school, she headed south on the freeway to meet up with friends at the mall to do some back-to-school shopping.  Sniffle sniffle...almost 18 and she doesn't need her mama for that anymore.  Honestly, I can't wait to see what she comes home with.  So before she left, she posed with her little brother on his first day of school.

Seems we need to do some measuring tonight.  Hayley pointed out that Brian is now taller than she is.  I measured him a few weeks ago at an even 6', but she's just shy of that so he must've grown...again!  (You have to say that like Forrest Gump, "...and I got invited to the White House.  AGAIN."   Heh heh!

So, that was our morning.  I met my good friend Diana for coffee.  Then Dano and I took our morning 2 mile walk through the neighborhood.  Then I read the local newspaper and found Hayley's picture in it with an article about how awesome her school volleyball team is hoping to be, which was kind of a nice surprise to come across that with no warning!

Hopefully, soon I'll have some posts catching up on the Liebel Family Summer 2010.  It was busy (visits from Missy Laura and Corey, Uncle Pat & Aunt Andree, Josie Grandma & Grampa, Uncle Keith, Uncle Pat (AGAIN) plus two really cool volleyball coaches for our school VB camp, a visit for Hayley and I down to SoCal, Brian kicking butt at the bowling alley and life in general.) 

But for now...I'm back.  =)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Envy and a Trip Down Bird Memory Lane

Last week I received this picture in an email from my good friend, Jeanne. I call her my JeanneDeb. She knows why. We bowl together on Tuesday mornings and I love her to death. She gets me. And that is why she knew I'd DIE when I saw this photo...taken right outside her window! She sees this action all the time. I admit to full-on envy.

Can you stand it? I cannot. Anyone that knows me has no doubt had to listen to me rave about the wildlife up here in ye olde Pacific Northwest. Not once did I ever see this type of action in SoCal. The closest I came was once when an unseen wayward skunk "exploded" under our bedroom window, causing us to think there was a massive chemical spill in the area that was going to kill us. True story.

Anyway, I thought I had it made last week when an eagle flew right over Brian and I as we were pulling around our corner. Then I laid eyes on this picture. JeanneDeb really has it made...and she knew that sharing it with me would make my day. Thanks JeanneDeb!

So, what kind of wildlife do I have hanging around my house? Well, check out Exhibit A: Baby birdies! Okay, so they're not baby bald eagles, but I take what I can get. But there is an interesting back story to this nest. It's a story of recycling. (And yes, that is my very high-tech device that I refer to as my "compact mirror lens." Fancy schtuff.)

Remember this? (scrolllll down past Laura making googly eyes at the coffee maker....heee!)

Look familiar? I couldn't bear to just throw the engineering marvel of the nest in the trash, so I put it back up on the beam. And there it sat, undisturbed for the past 10 months. Last week, Danny asked if the nest was still there. I'd actually checked the week before he asked and told him, "Yep, still there. Still empty." So, while sitting on the deck steps the other day, I saw blue shell fragments. Horror!!! You can imagine my surprise when I went and grabbed the nest, expecting the worst only to find three tiny babes fast asleep (I think there are 3...I didn't look too long for fear an angry mama bird was going to dive-bomb me.) I checked again today and the mama is obviously caring well for them because they've easily doubled in size. Now I have to worry that the big, bad raccoon that frequents my other deck just about every night will discover them. GAHHHHH!!!

So the weirdest part of this is that my Missy Laura and her Corey were up visiting last year when the nest massacre went down. And they were just here two weeks ago. (Exciting blog post about that coming next!) Laura, I'll bet you that the nest had pretty blue eggs in it while you were here and WE DIDN'T EVEN LOOK!! We must've been busy drinking margaritas that your man whipped up for us. =)

In other animal news, Willie didn't come home this morning. We always worry...and then he always comes home. Sigh. Just not yet today.

Edited Thursday morning: He sauntered home last night around 10:30. Right after the raccoon ate all his food that sat out all day. Serves him right! Ha!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

When Pigs Fly

While these two tolerate each other, and I use the term "tolerate" very loosely here, they've never had a relationship that involved this much trust. People, this is big. For those who haven't met the key players, allow me to introduce Willie and Molly. While they share an uncanny resemblance, they're only related by the bonds of adoption. In other words, we adopted sweet, stray Willie last July (as an outside mouser kitty only...ha!) and Molly has been wondering when the vagrant boy is going to leave. He comes in now and then (okay, 3 times a day) for lunchmeat snacks and naps on Dad's bed, but the boy fa-reaks when shown the litter box inside, so he can only stay in for so long. Imagine the confines of a proper litter box when the whole world had always been your litter box.

I digress.

So, they normally do a cursory once-over and sniff noses and then ignore each other. Lately though, Molly has taken to batting Willie in the face. And that doesn't go over so well. So, imagine my surprise when Dan brought Willie inside (people, it is COLD outside!) and he hopped up onto our bed to find Molly in his spot. I expected kitty fireworks, but instead got this: Utter and complete indifference.

Ummm, so not what I expected. He got busy chewing dirtclods from between his toes.

Not to be outdone, Molly decided a quick toe-clean was in order. Unreal.

Then, like men will do, he fell right to sleep. He's a funny guy. I think outside life is so stressful for him sometimes that when he comes inside, he's out like a light in mere minutes.

Molly's thinking, "Seriously? Dude, you're like, a foot away." He was unfazed.

So she gave in and fell asleep, too. They're still like hour later.

When pigs fly. Go figure. =)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

A quick housekeeping note...

Contrary to popular belief, I have not fallen off the face of the Earth. I just fell off the blogging wagon. I'm sorry, but I just wasn't feeling the blog mojo.

However, after some gentle prodding from certain people (you know who you are, you Blog Nazi's...and I mean that with the utmost of love!) I will be warming up my blogging fingers and posting very soon. For now though, I'm playing around with the formatting, etc. so Liebel Life will look a little different in a few days and probably a little screwy in the meantime!

Thanks for sticking around! See ya in a few days!!

P.S. Molly the she-cat is not fat. She's just big-boned. =)