My apologies to those of you who checked in now and again to see if I'd had anything to say...and left with no news. And many thanks to those of you who asked if I was ever going to update my blog...I have a hard time believing that more than a few people read it, until one of the kids friends mentions it (and the lack of posts...Hi Jared!) Plus, I got on Facebook and its so easy to just post a photo with a caption and carry on. But for some reason, here I sit at my computer, and I want to write. I could post a photo or two on Facebook, but I think some photos just need more than a one-line caption. For instance, this photo:
In case you're wondering where the girl-child was on this fine September 1st morning, she was around. But since she's on the college schedule, Hayley doesn't start school until the 20th. So, instead of heading to school, she headed south on the freeway to meet up with friends at the mall to do some back-to-school shopping. Sniffle sniffle...almost 18 and she doesn't need her mama for that anymore. Honestly, I can't wait to see what she comes home with. So before she left, she posed with her little brother on his first day of school.
Seems we need to do some measuring tonight. Hayley pointed out that Brian is now taller than she is. I measured him a few weeks ago at an even 6', but she's just shy of that so he must've grown...again
So, that was our morning. I met my good friend Diana for coffee. Then Dano and I took our morning 2 mile walk through the neighborhood. Then I read the local newspaper and found Hayley's picture in it with an article about how awesome her school volleyball team is hoping to be, which was kind of a nice surprise to come across that with no warning!
Hopefully, soon I'll have some posts catching up on the Liebel Family Summer 2010. It was busy (visits from Missy Laura and Corey, Uncle Pat & Aunt Andree, Josie Grandma & Grampa, Uncle Keith, Uncle Pat (AGAIN) plus two really cool volleyball coaches for our school VB camp, a visit for Hayley and I down to SoCal, Brian kicking butt at the bowling alley and life in general.)
But for now...I'm back. =)
Yay! I'm glad your back! I've got you on bloglines, so was alerted to the new post! Even though bloglines told me there was no update, I still checked back ever so often to see if it was wrong.
Can't believe how big the kids are, Brian looks so handsome! So, you mean the next ten years are going to go like that for us, gone in a "poof"?
brian looks so old! he is definitely taller than hayley now- so she can stop holding it over his head! im so glad you back and blogging!yay!
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