We said goodbye to our furry babies and flew down on a Friday afternoon. Josie Grandma had a wonderful dinner waiting for us when arrived at their house. That probably didn't need to be said because Josie Grandma and Grampa always feed us as if we just got rescued from a desert island...there is no shortage of foodies!
Saturday morning, we headed to the Renaissance Festival. Have you ever been to a Renaissance Festival? You should really go to one...if only to fully appreciate the modern convenience of throwing on a pair of shorts and a tank top! The outfits that the regulars wear are amazing. Heavy layers and layers upon layers. And it was hot. And everyone calls each other M'lord and M'lady.
While we were waiting for the gates to open, the Royal Court addresses the crowd and some of the entertainers come out to...entertain. The bagpiper on the left was about 7 ft. tall and probably weighed a good 120 lbs. And yes, the photo is black and white because somehow I flipped to B/W mode on the camera without even knowing it.
This guy was pretty amazing. So were his tights. Hahaha...just kidding.
I love how this shows Dextre with his umbrella on his unicycle on the high rope and behind him is the painting of Dextre with his umbrella on his unicycle on the high rope.
This is Maiden Hayley, wearing as much of a wench costume as she could muster. And no, I do not believe they had sunglasses back in medieval times. Or Abercrombie & Fitch.
I think this was right after one of the Renaissance dudes walked up to her and stuttered something in his medieval language like, "Thou art wondrous fair, M'lady!" which roughly translated meant, "Hot damn, can I get your phone number!"
Anywayyyyy, there was lots of food to eat, shoppes to browse, jousting knights to cheer for, privies to visit (ahem!) and elephants to ride. Sorry, there will be no photographs of someone riding on an elephant. We just can't go there. You can ask someone about riding on an elephant, but I guarantee that someone will not even pretend to know what you are talking about.
Moving on. Sunday of our visit, we had the big Rydin Family Reunion. Ummm...well...hold on..oh wait, this was from another Rydin Family Reunion...
...in 1998! Ha! Had you goin' there, huh?
Yes, Danny and Karin are missing from that shot because Danny had to stay home and work and Glen hadn't met his wife Karin yet!
Here we all are! The Rydin mob-scene. That's what we like to call these shots where everyone gathers in for the photo. Closer....squish together more....move over some...THERE! Say cheese!
L to R: Cody (17), Allison (15), Grampa, Taylor (almost 19), Karin, Joy, Glen, Keith, Dano, Brian (15), Hayley (16), Diane and Josie Grandma. We have about 15 more of these in varying degrees of smiling, not smiling, squinting, leaning, blocking each other and I think there is one that cut poor Cody in half!
Josie Grandma made me very, very happy and got a carrot cake from Costco. The angels sang a song of glory when we cut into this baby!
Sorry...I got carried away with dessert first! Can you blame me?
This is my brother Glen's wife Karin and my hubba bubba.
This is Glen's son Cody talking grill-talk with Grampa.

Josie Grandma and Hayley. I used to think Josie Grandma was so tall, but your perspective changes when your kids grow as tall as your parents (and you.)
Chef Cody and Josie Grandma. Cody is taller than she is.

We grew up playing games, so what better way to spend some time than good old Yahtzee?

Uncle Keith thought he was going to blow us all away with his mad Yahtzee skillz...

Like I said, the food never stops at Josie Grandma and Grampa's house.
The brats, lovingly arranged on the grill.
Nobody does pork and beef roast slow-cooked like my Mama.

We all ate outside since it was perfect weather. This was the kids table. Our kids are all in their mid to late teens now.

We had to get shots of the just the grandkids together.
Ahhh, I crack myself up! Again, circa 1998. (As if you couldn't tell from my mad scrapbooking skillz...nice die-cut flowers on those corner cuts Diane! Heh..) But seriously, can you stand it? Just look at those cute babies!!!

Let's try this again. Perhaps just letting them be themselves...
Nope. Okay then. Time to pull out the big guns.

Hayley can't handle it!

Neither can Brian.

While we love Josie Grandma and Grampa and we love hanging out at their house, the real attraction is the pool. Don't worry, Josie Grandma and Grampa feel the same way. They love us, but when it's pool time, it's POOL TIME!!!! (Scroll all the way down on that link to fully understand Noodle Soup!)
There was a lot of this:
The worshipping of the sun. For comparison purposes only, that is my lily white leg in the forefront of the photo. Please refrain from all comments regarding "Casper the ghost" and "Owwwww, its BLiNDinG my eyes!!!" and "Gosh mom...you're so white!" Yeah, I've heard 'em all. They're very hurtful. Just kidding...I totally embrace my lily white-ness, even when sitting next to my tan daughter.
There was a lot of this:
The girl-child is a mermaid. She can hold her breath for-EVER under water.
There was a lot of this:

There was a lot of this:
Uncle Keith is the Cruise Director. He is the Ringleader. He is Uncle Keith. Don't ever change!
Now, these two are sneaky. Perhaps a bit camera-shy.
But Allison and Cody are no match for Aunt Diane, who pretended to not be taking a photo when she snapped this one! But Keith's son Taylor...he was a worthy adversary. I could not sneak a good shot of him.

"Ohhh, vee are already at zee Muscle Beach!!"
Good times! These two are a pair to draw to.
I remember commenting to Keith's wife Joy, as we watched our hubbies saunter off to get into mischief, "It's probably a good thing we don't live close to each other because we'd have to take turns babysitting those two!"
Joy laughed and agreed.
We also shopped til we dropped, we bowled, we played some serious Gin, I finally got to get a Cherry-Limeaid at Sonic (which did not disappoint) and there was plenty of golf to keep everyone happy. Sigh, we had a fun, relaxing time in beautiful Arizona. Then we had to say goodbye and come home. =(
Thank you Josie Grandma and Grampa for everything! We miss all you Rydins!
P.S. We think the next Rydin Family Reunion should be up in Washington. Just sayin'...
WOW---its like Spring break, your visit and the Rydin Family reunion was just yesterday. Thank you for sharing your trip. Its was lots of fun everyone being together again. Lets do it again.
those are great pics! i have to be honest though, the denim n white family photo holds a special place in my heart. i remember when you guys had those taken. you all look like you had a great time on spring break 2009.
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