We started off the visit with one of my current favorite activities: Blackberry picking. We hit the motherlode of berry patches and between the two of us, came home with about six quarts of blackberries. So of course, we made jam! And cobbler, of course! I know somewhere in the caverns of my computer, there are photos of the mountain of washed berries and pretty jars of jam. You'll have to use your imagination. Meanwhile, check out my dahlias. I grew these. From bulbs. In my dirt. And there are more still blooming outside! For the record, the blooms are six to eight inches across. Just sayin'.
Tuesday, which was our 19th wedding anniversary, was also Hayley's first volleyball game of the season. Danny had made dinner reservations for us at a fancy-schmancy place down in Seattle, but our girl was starting in her first Varsity volleyball game. We knew where we had to be! This is Hayley being introduced before the game..."she's a Sophomore.....#1.....Hayleyyyyy Leeeeee-bullllll! I'm sorry, hearing that will never get old!
Sadly, we lost that match, but they played well. Besides, ya gotta get those first game jitters out of the way. We'll touch more on volleyball later this week.
One of Danny's requests of my mom was that she bring one of her authentic German recipes with her and show us how to make Rouladen. Have you ever had Rouladen? You should. In fact, you can come to our house and we'll make Rouladen that will knock your socks off. You start with round steak, bacon and onions. And mustard and garlic and pepper. First, you have Josie Grampa beat the living snot out of the round steak. That gray blur is the meat tenderizer doing what it does best.
Josie Grandma approves of the tenderizing.
Then you pile the inner goodies on the meat, roll them up and dredge the whole thing in flour.
Then, you brown them and make a gravy out of the pan goodness. (Stop drooling.)
Everything goes into the crockpot (because we were lazy and didn't want to tend a pot on the stove all day!) and a few hours later, you have to post a guard to keep people from "testing" the Rouladen.
Just check these two out.
We were happy to have the Josie's here, but I think Dan was extra happy this day!
Behold: Rouladen. It has a very distinct flavor. A little Challenger Ridge Syrah...
...and some sides. This was a seriously satisfying meal. Sighhhh.
We spent the rest of the week eating, shopping, eating Peggy's Cucumber Thingies in the parking lot before watching more volleyball, perfecting Brian's bowling skillz and eating.
Alas, the cold weather soon infiltrated the region and the Josie's began longing for the warmth of Arizona. We had one last killer meal the night before they headed home:
Filet with Bearnaise, bakers, french bread and killer strawberry spinach salad. I know...it tasted good, too!
Goodbye for now Josie Grandma and Grampa!
And by the way, I did start this yesterday afternoon, while it was still Josie Grampa's birthday!
Happy Birthday Daddy!
Any temps under 70 degress is Winter to us. Notice the sweat jacket that I wore constantly.
Wish we lived closer, but with this blog its almost like being with the Liebels.
I bet when Danny makes Rouladen, the taste won't be like mine with all the little additions he will be adding. But - Danny grills one mean filet
yay!!! youre back! looks like you guys had a great time. i need to stop looking at your blog near lunch and dinner. i cant take it.
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