Saturday, October 25, 2008

10:30 am....

One third of my heart just drove away in a white BMW.

Yes. Hayley passed her Driving Test yesterday!!! Woot woot!

This shot was taken by me, hiding behind a pillar so the Driving Examiner wouldn't laser me with his eyeballs. I was intimidated...I can only imagine what Hayley was feeling pulling out for her test. She aced it though!

So, imagine my surprise when she asked if she could meet her friend Karen this morning over at the Cross Country Track meet at the school. I didn't think she'd actually want to drive anywhere by herself! But then, as we parents must do, I handed over the keys to the car and stood in the window and waved goodbye. She wouldn't let me take a picture of her driving away, but I did get the promise that she would call and let me know when she arrived.

"To our children, we give two things, one is roots, the other is wings." Author: unknown

There's the phone ringing now....Sigh. Have a wonderful weekend all!


Josie Gramma said...

I left a post the morning, where is it???
Congratulations Hayley, we knew you would pass on the first try.

Julie said...

Oh my, I can only imagine 13 year's from now!! COngratulations Hayley!

Laura and Corey said...

Yay Hayley!!! First try and everything! It may or may not have taken me three attempts....just sayin.