So I was thinking last night that it would be really cool to take a photo every single day of the year. Not of the same thing...just a random photo in our lives. Then it dawned on me that I could kill two birds with one stone and post my photos every day and really increase my blogging frequency. Every few months just doesn't cut it. Part of my problem is that I can't do a blog post without a photo. And then I feel like I have to write a long post...because apparently I have a lot to say. But I get busy and don't post and life moves on and then I haven't said anything at all.
Resolution #1: A photo a day on the blog...with some commentary even! I'll toss in my usual photo/word heavy blogs, too, but I think this might be just what I need to jump start my blogging mojo while keeping it doable with my busy life. Deal? Deal. (We just did a virtual pinky swear.)
Without further ado, I give you...
2011: Day 1
New Years Day is generally my day to pack up the Christmas decorations. I find it a melancholy yet satisfying task. We decorate for Christmas right after Thanksgiving and enjoy every minute of Santa-Snowman-Rudolf-Gingerbread- Christmas Tree in Every Room-Candlelit-Vintage holiday decorated goodness. I always think I won't want to ever take the decorations down. But by January 1st, I'm good. I'm ready to simplify again. And so it went today...
I took a break from my task to have some leftovers for lunch. Mmmmm, who doesn't love leftover pasta? This is a Pioneer Woman recipe. Specifically, Pasta with Tomato Cream Sauce. We were scheduled to go to a New Years Bunco party last night, but Danny wasn't feeling all that great and I was tired, so we decided to hunker down at home. Hayley was babysitting some dear little ones early and Brian was heading off to a friend's house to spend the night. I needed to whip up something yummy but quick so Bri could eat before he left and Hayley could eat when she got home. I threw some seared Italian sausage in and with some garlic bread, this got a resounding thumbs up from everyone. But the best part of pasta is almost always the leftovers. Mmmm...what a nice, homey way to start off 2011.
With that, I'll let you in on a little secret. Whenever anyone (be it family or friends) leaves my house, I always stand on the porch or in the window and watch them drive away and I whisper a little prayer. As we leave 2010 and all head off into 2011, I thank God for each and every one of you...may He keep you happy, healthy, safe and strong. And bring you home safely.
I love the idea of a picture a day! You don't even need to comment!
That recipe is seriously one of my favorites EVER!!! I have made it about 5 times already and plan to make it again this weekend! Good idea adding sausage to it, I should try that!
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