Wednesday, February 23, 2011

2011: Day 54

6:00 pm
I'd been home from work maybe 15 minutes and you could barely make out my tire tracks in the driveway.  It is snowing THAT much.  Hard to believe. 

Even more hard to believe:  In a mere 18 hours, I will be teeing off on a beautiful, green golf the sun. 

Hey Mother Nature, put that in your pipe and smoke it! 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

2011: Day 53

This is our boy cat...known by a variety of names:  Willie, Willie Lunchmeat, Willie Big Mitts, Wilbur, Man-Whore, Willboy, Whoop-Whoop Willlie, Will and my favorite, in, "Good morning Sir!  Would you care for some hambone with your kibble?"
Well, Sir decided to come home after a week-long self imposed exile to Lord knows where.  I guess you'd need a good warm sleep after carousing in this cold weather for a week, too. 

Yep, this was our boy one week ago today, trying out Abby's new bed (because that's how he rolls...what belongs to her belongs to him!) while watching Biggest Loser with us:
One angst filled week (for us humans) later, he strolled home, howling on the back deck for sustenance.  And of course, we're happy to oblige.  He's a little scraped up and dirty and I don't even want to know what he's been doing.  We're just relieved he's home safe and sound.

 Molly's excited too...can't you tell?  For the record, her back is facing him.  She's had juuuust about enough of his wandering shenanigans.  Again people, she's big-boned.  Heh heh... 

Abby is very excited as well...
Haha...actually I found these shots of her on the camera when I downloaded the Willie shots.  I'm not sure who took them but finding these was like finding a $20 bill in your coat...good stuff! 

Homework can really take it out of ya, huh?! 

And last but certainly not least,  I share another photo that makes me smile.  Actually, it's two photos in one!  Woohoo...double prizes!  I give you Hayley and Kryger...holding Hayley and Kryger:
Kryger is Hayley's volleyball coach extraordinaire.  She rocks.  I could go on and on, but that is a whole nother blog post.  Last week was her birthday and she came over to celebrate Liebel style:  with killer burgies, home made fries and Dew dumplings.  And she brought her dear friends, the Jacksons, over too.  So much fun.  One of her gifts was this photo taken at Hayley's Senior Night.  Hayley was presenting a team gift to Kryger and I happened to catch this great laugh between them.  It so sums up their relationship and this one truly makes me smile.  Like I said, this season of volleyball deserves its own post...and it will happen.  Awards night is March 7th, so it will be shortly after that.  

Now, I'm going to go hug on my kitty cat.  And have a word with him about his less-than-stellar behavior! 

Monday, February 14, 2011

2011: Day 45


A little bit of Red Velvet with Cream Cheese Iced lovin'
 for all my Valentines!  The best part is...they're mini-sized!  Can you stand it?  The mini's are going into work with me.  The regulation sized cuppies, they're staying right here!

You say you need a close up?

I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day with the ones they love. 
My Valentines? Couldn't live without 'em!  <3 <3 <3

One should note:  Photo taken after a very teary Senior Night celebration at Hayley's last home Volleyball match.  {{sniffle sniffle}}


Sunday, February 13, 2011

2011: Day 44

So, I'm not doing so well with my Picture-a-Day plans.  Apparently I've been lax in other areas as well.  For example, this was at 1:00 this afternoon: that's just plain awkward. 

And at 1:03 this afternoon:
Much better, yes? 

Here's to a Happy Valentines Day!  Go hug your sweetie!   =)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

2011: Day 23


Hayley received her first college acceptance letter yesterday!  The University of Portland wants my kid.  This was a big moment, being the first acceptance letter and all.  But honestly, do you see the color of her shirt there?  UW purple baby!  She won't hear back from the University of Washington until March so while this letter is great, its more of a back-up plan.  Our girl wants to be a Dawg!!

Meanwhile, the studying continues.  Allow me to introduce one of Hayley's best buds, making his very first photo appearance on the blog:  JARED!
They've been classmates in the ORCA program for the past 2 years and became fast friends.  He came over last night to work on a lab with Hayley.  There may have been Milano's and chocolate brownie FroYo involved.  Just sayin'.  Jared is one of my Blog Nazi's...he keeps me honest by ohhh so gently urging me to update the blog when I lapse into blogging apathy.  For example, a gentle Facebook prod from Jared...please do enjoy:

Last blog update was on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2010
                                       do you see a problem here?

That was written on December 24, 2010.  He makes a very good point.  Thanks Jared...I actually need the prodding!

Well, the hubby comes home from a SoCal business/golf  trip tonight.  Yes, that is an emphasis on golf!  He stayed at Pat and Andree's gorgeous desert hideaway, but got to go salivate over the new Liebel/Fischer condo in Palm Desert.  Someday sweetie....someday!
We've got two babies to get through college!  =) 

And since this is a post about college acceptance, how could I not include this??

It'd be really cool if you guys wouldn't tell people I scream like that. 

Heh heh...have a great week!! 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

2011: Day 16

So I took a week off from my Picture a Day.  I was gently urged to get back to it (Hi Jared!!) 

This is what my living room looks like right now:

 Animals living together in harmony.  Missy Laura knows what that's all about.  Molly baking by the fire.  Willie sacked out on one side of the couch and Abby doing her thing on the other.   All of them watching the football game...or not.  Today is one of those days where its cold and rainy outside, so it feels nice to stay inside.  I'm getting caught up on laundry while watching our Seahawks get their @sses handed to them by da Bears.  I'm happy for our friends, the Zideks... long suffering long time Bears fans.  Sad our boys couldn't catch the dang ball when it mattered.  Sorry, I'm just bitter.  Just was fun while it lasted, huh?

The dryer alarm just beckoned me back to the laundry room.  More tomorrow!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

2011: Day 8

Its been snowing all day on and off but it really took off tonight 
Some of the snowflakes were over an inch across...
and there must be at least 3 inches of snow piled up out there!

And by the way, well played SEAHAWKS!  Well played!

Friday, January 7, 2011

2011: Day 7

Breakfast while checking emails:  
Hammy Cheesy Scrambled Eggs and an English muffin. 
Courtesy of my own personal Top Chef.  Lucky girl...that's me!

By the way...TGIF and go Seahawks, huh??!! 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

2011: Day 6

Fresh, hot, fudgy brownies.   Mmmmmm!

That spatula there...Dan's mom put that in my Christmas stocking a long, long time ago.  It's still my favorite serving spatula, even though now it has melty lines on the handle.   =)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2011: Day 5

She's not fat...she's big boned.  Heh heh...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011: Day 4

   Consider us addicted.

Monday, January 3, 2011

2011: Day 3

It must've been some New Years celebration for Willie Big Mitts...
he showed up tonight after being gone since the 1st. 

What happens in Vegas... 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011: Day 2

All the Christmas goodies packed up and ready
 to go under the house for another 11 months.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Oh One Oh One One One

Cool date, huh?  I actually wasn't tuned in to it until I saw someone post that on Facebook as their status.  (Hi Alyssa!)  I love stuff like that.  Can't wait for 11/11/11...and judging by 2010, that date will be here before we know it.  Time flies, eh?

So I was thinking last night that it would be really cool to take a photo every single day of the year.  Not of the same thing...just a random photo in our lives.  Then it dawned on me that I could kill two birds with one stone and post my photos every day and really increase my blogging frequency.  Every few months just doesn't cut it.  Part of my problem is that I can't do a blog post without a photo.  And then I feel like I have to write a long post...because apparently I have a lot to say.  But I get busy and don't post and life moves on and then I haven't said anything at all.

Resolution #1:  A photo a day on the blog...with some commentary even!  I'll toss in my usual photo/word heavy blogs, too, but I think this might be just what I need to jump start my blogging mojo while keeping it doable with my busy life.  Deal?  Deal.  (We just did a virtual pinky swear.)

Without further ado, I give you...

2011:  Day 1

New Years Day is generally my day to pack up the Christmas decorations.  I find it a melancholy yet satisfying task.  We decorate for Christmas right after Thanksgiving and enjoy every minute of Santa-Snowman-Rudolf-Gingerbread- Christmas Tree in Every Room-Candlelit-Vintage holiday decorated goodness.  I always think I won't want to ever take the decorations down.  But by January 1st, I'm good.  I'm ready to simplify again.  And so it went today...

I took a break from my task to have some leftovers for lunch. Mmmmm, who doesn't love leftover pasta?  This is a Pioneer Woman recipe.  Specifically, Pasta with Tomato Cream Sauce.  We were scheduled to go to a New Years Bunco party last night, but Danny wasn't feeling all that great and I was tired, so we decided to hunker down at home.  Hayley was babysitting some dear little ones early and Brian was heading off to a friend's house to spend the night.  I needed to whip up something yummy but quick so Bri could eat before he left and Hayley could eat when she got home. I threw some seared Italian sausage in and with some garlic bread, this got a resounding thumbs up from everyone.  But the best part of pasta is almost always the leftovers.  Mmmm...what a nice, homey way to start off 2011.

With that, I'll let you in on a little secret.  Whenever anyone (be it family or friends) leaves my house, I always stand on the porch or in the window and watch them drive away and I whisper a little prayer.  As we leave 2010 and all head off into 2011, I thank God for each and every one of you...may He keep you happy, healthy, safe and strong.  And bring you home safely.