Friday, May 1, 2009

How can you tell...

...when a Boxer is living in your home??? This is the sliding door leading out onto the kitchen deck. It would appear I've been slacking in my window washing duties. However, I've decided to wait until our houseguest goes home to give them a good scrub.

This is Boscoe. He and Abby got to be friends when she stayed at his house when we went to Phoenix for Spring Break (update on that next week!) Seriously, I could stare at this face all day. He is so expressive and it changes constantly.

Boscoe is a big boy. BIG BOY. He's laying in front of a sliding door here. Sizeable young man.

He has the coolest paws. They're huge. But check out his nails. People pay good money for a pedicure like that!

This was mid-yawn. Sigh. Can you stand it?

I usually don't ask my houseguests to help with the dishes, but Boscoe was more than happy to help with the Au Gratin bowl. He was quite thorough. He worked the bowl like this for five minutes.

After cleaning up the dinner dishes, we went outside for some of this. Boscoe likes to run and fetch the tennis ball, so we throw the ball over and over and over until he tires out.

Because of his rather powerful jaws, I wait until he drops the ball so I can throw it again. He cracks me up because he'll drop it and it'll roll an inch and he'll stare it down and then pounce on it.

A profile of the boy. He has one of those faces only a mother could love. I'm his foster mother this week and I'm in love.

He has this deep ridge between his eyes. Brian's finger is completely nestled in there.

This is what Boscoe would have looked like if his ears had been cropped Boxer style.

This is what he would have looked like if he had played Sally Field's part in the Flying Nun. You don't honestly expect us to not play with the ears, do you?

Living the life of a big dog is exhausting. It must be a Boxer trait because our foster-pup Sasha sleeps exactly like this, too.

But that position only lasts so long before...

...he really gets comfy. Then he goes upstairs and snuggles in Brian's bed for the night.

Sigh. Hayley has volleyball Regionals all this weekend, so I'm not going to be around to play with the big boy. We'll have to have some good tennis ball time before his mama arrives on Monday to take him home.

Sniffle sniffle...


Laura and Corey said...

he looks like the sweetest dog with the most awesome paws!

Heidi said...

What a great house guest! So adorable!

Julie said...

Aww! He's too cute. And you should see *my* glass door, grimy little face prints everywhere and we don't have dogs!