We love volleyball...and breakfast!
First of all, thanks to everyone for coming over last night ~ Kryger, Rooney, Adam, Kevin, Sam, Kerry and Alexa! What a fun evening! This was the scene on the lawn last night. After an awesome dinner of carne asade tacos, beans and rice (cooked by our own Top Chef Dano!) the coaches and players adjourned to the front lawn for a friendly game of three-on-three. We won't get into scores here, ahem, but let's just say the girls were awed by the jumping ability of the visiting coaches, Adam and Kevin. The boys have some serious hops! (Click on the photo to read my silly captions...)
I will no doubt get grief for posting this shot, but that is our girl, serving up a jumping floater. Or is it a floating jumper? She and Kevin worked on that during lunch yesterday. After chowing down on sandwiches, of course.
Here is Adam, doing his thang. These boys perform some rather nasty kills. Our girls weren't quite sure what to do with those bullets! And no, that is not an optical illusion...he really does jump that high!
Abby had her own ideas about what kind of ball was going to be played!
And finally, there seems to be some sort of contest to see which visiting coach is served the best breakfast. Behold, Dano's Wednesday offering for Kevin. (Yes, those are Red Vines. No, they are not for breakfast!) And yes, the plates were completely empty after Kevin was done!
I don't have Day 6 photos of the ankle. Frankly, I'm too lazy to undo the six velcro straps, plus the inner bootie velcro. I'll share colorful Day 7 photos tomorrow! I can say that it is feeling much better and the boot is a huge help, even if it does feel like I have a sack of cement strapped to my foot! Have a great day!
i pretty much want to fly to your house again for the weekend just for the food.
Oh man, that food was divine. Everything that I'm eating now just seems so bland compared to Dan's cooking. I even took Kiana to Chili's last night and was like, eh... not quite as good as the carne asada tacos we had. haha. Hope things are going well out there! I'll try to update my blog soon so you all can know how things are going for me...
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