This bundle of joy entered our lives! And in the blink of an eye, she's gone from this:
But in between, she was this:
...enjoying her First Birthday Cake! ~ Sleepover with all her girl cousins, 1993
...and wearing mom's "Up Shoes!" ~ 1995
...hanging out in the park and being cute ~ 1999
So there you have it! A very brief glance at our daughter growing up through the years. We sat here looking at photo after photo, laughing so hard at some of them. If only I could post all of them here, you'd get a better idea of what a character this kid is. We are so proud of Hayley and all of her accomplishments. We know that the future holds wonderful possibilities for her and we can't wait to see where life takes her!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOBO! We love you so much!
And speaking of weddings...
A very happy Six Month Anniversary to Laura and Corey!
We love you guys, too!
First out the door this morning was Brian. He had Freshman Orientation so he had to be to school at 7:30. Look, my high school man!!!
Hayley didn't have to be to school until 11:00 (being an upper-classman and all!) so she slept in. I mean, would YOU get up earlier than necessary so your mom could have a picture of BOTH of her high school kids TOGETHER on the first day of school? Oh well...
So anyway, just yesterday, my babies were posing on the first day of school...Brian starting First Grade and Hayley starting Second Grade. We always posed for pictures in the front yard. CAN YOU STAND IT?
Then, we'd always make our way over to the statue of Our Lady at school. It is a Liebel family tradition that goes wayyyyy back with Dan and his family. And I was bound and determined to carry on the tradition. Here we are in 2000. (I got out of the pictures after this!)
2001 ~ Our Lady does not look amused...
2002 ~ We had another tradition, too...the kids always brought their teacher a shiny, red apple on the first day of school. After much dissention in the ranks, I let them stop that one when they started Jr. High.
2003 ~ The navy skort was all the rage for Hayley that year. Brian: white shirt and navy shorts.
2004 ~ Jr. High meant only skirts for Hayley from here on out! Brian: still the white shirt and navy shorts (yawn...)
2005 ~ I think we must've been between cameras because I have no photos. Gasp!
2006 ~ My babies are growing up. And Mary was rockin' the flowers! And yes, Brian is still rockin' the white shirt and navy shorts.
2007 ~ Last year. Our first year in Washington and the first year we didn't have a statue of Our Lady to take a picture with. And no uniforms. (That is Brian in the brown, in case you didn't recognize him without his white shirt and navy shorts...heh.) First year at a public school. Big changes all around for the kids.
And there you have it. Nine years of Brian and Hayley all clean and shiny for the new school year.